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Atletico Madrid forward Antoine Griezmann.The La Liga title race for next season will always include Atletico Madrid, you can use this to back your preferred winner. Any Atleti title challenge will Kevin Porter Jr. Jersey need their best players sticking around, and there is some good news on that front.Atletico Madrid forward Antoine Griezmann ended months of speculation after committing his future to the Rojiblancos in a . Barcelona and Manchester United were previously keen on the French international but made little progre s in agreeing a deal this summer which raised suggestions that he might indeed stay at the Wanda Metropolitano.But after that Griezmann had made two different videos, one containing a statement saying hell stay at Atleti and one saying the opposite, hes come under a lot of criticism. The 27-year-old should be preparing for the 2018 World Cup with France, but instead hes been leading the media a merry chase and has come out of this looking very self-indulged.Why so much cryptic behaviour to commit his future to Atleti?Many will ask why Griezmann took so long and acted so strangely if he was always going to stay at Atleti. The Frenchman told interviewers for weeks that he wasnt ready to give his decision, so what was he waiting for? Barcelona certainly wont be happy if this was always Griezmanns attention as they were looking to bring him to the Camp Nou before the World Cup started.Numerous sources even said there was a deal agreed between Atleti and Barcelona for 88m, his release clause but that all turned out to be false. So much time was wasted on Griezmann and now Barca have to look at other targets to bolster their attack, many of whom could be busy at the World Cup.For a long-serving player with a good relationship with the fans, Griezmann has risked upsetting a lot of people by turning his Atleti future into a soap opera. The Spanish club certainly wont appreciate being kept in the dark, nor will they be pleased to hear he had recorded an Im leaving version of the video. They too will wonder if the forward genuinely considered an exit or if he was always staying.Spanish football expert Guillem Balague : He had prepared all this for a long time. All those conversations shown took place in April. He actually got in touch with the TV company an hour before the show to tell them which video to put out there. As you can imagine, there has been a lot of criticism, even from Atletico fans who feel they have been taken for a ride.Atleti will be happy with the outcome regardle sWhen the dust settles, Atletico Madrid will treat this as very good news regardle s. Keeping their best and most influential player bodes well for their future. Atleti finished second in La Liga last season and won the Europa League, so the future looks bright Shawn Kemp Jersey at the Wanda Metropolitano.Since joining from Real Sociedad in 2014, Griezmann has scored over 100 goals in more than 200 appearances in all competitions and was outstanding last season 29 goals in 49 games in 2017/18. Its good news for Atleti that hes staying but bad news he announced the decision in this manner.