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Pacific Gold ボーナスフリースピンカジノ
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Best bargain picks: | | | to all 32 teams. But who really did their homework and grabbed a big-time contributor late in the draft?CFB 24/7 takes a look this week at Ricky Watters Jersey the five best bargain picks in each division, continuing today with the AFC West and NFC West teams:AFC WestLB , Denver BroncosDrafted: 1st round (23rd overall)Why hes a bargain: Did the give up too much in order to slide up a few spots and select Ray? Yes. Are there injury concerns? Somewhat. Still, the got one of the drafts top edge rushers in the back of the first round, and it doesnt hurt that hell have to groom him. Ray was NFL Media analyst entering the draft -- at pick No. 23, thats a bargain for a team looking to get over the hump.LB/DL , Oakland RaidersDrafted: 6th round (179th overall)Why hes a bargain: Valles could have used another year in college and will enter the league raw as can be. But its that raw ability and athleticism that is so tantalizing. The could afford to develop him over the next year or two while serving as a core special-teams player, and grabbing him in the sixth round made it a risk-free proposition for the team.DT , San Diego ChargersDrafted: 6th round (192nd overall)Why hes a bargain: Philon could have gone a lot earlier in the draft if he had stayed in school another year, but he can get after the pa ser and should be able to help the defense on third down right away. He can focus on adding weight during his first year, but the foundation of a good defensive tackle is there.DT , Kansas City ChiefsDrafted: 6th round (217th overall)Why hes a bargain: Its not like the had i sues getting to the opposing quarterback, but Nunez-Roches can still help out on sub-packages as an athletic option off the bench. The raw tools are there, but hes a bit of a tweener at the next level, so it will be interesting to see what kind of role he takes on in the teams 3-4 alignment. Still, getting a defensive player with obvious upside at pick No. 217 was a nice value for the .LB , Oakland RaidersDrafted: 5th round (140th overall)Why hes a bargain: Kansas football hasnt had many bright spots the past few years, but Heeney was the one player the team could count on and that opponents tried to game plan around. He has a knack for finding the ball and will be a valuable a set against the run and in goal-line situations. Hell also be a great special-teams player.NFC WestLB John Taylor Jersey , San Francisco 49ersDrafted: 3rd round (79th overall)Why hes a bargain: Talk out of the NFL was that Harold could be a fringe first-rounder with his natural athleticism and skills coming off the edge. It was shocking to see him last until the middle of the third round, but he can contribute right away for the while improving in coverage and getting stronger.WR , Seattle SeahawksDrafted: 3rd round (69th overall)Why hes a bargain: Its hard to find a more perfect marriage between quarterback and rookie wideout than and Lockett. Both are undersized but simply make plays consistently. Lockett will be a terror for defenses to stop. Hes a savvy route runner and knows how to exploit every little window. Add in his ability to return kicks, and the got themselves a steal in the third round.TE , San Francisco 49ersDrafted: 7th round (254th overall)Why hes a bargain: Athletically, this is all youre looking for in a tight end. Anderson can pose plenty of matchup i sues for an opposing defens. Hes a better blocker than some give him credit for, and he will be targeted in the red zone right away. Anderson has a chance to line up opposite early on and is a better pick than the other tight end the drafted several rounds earlier in .OT , Arizona CardinalsDrafted: 1st round (24th overall)Why hes a bargain: Weight will always be a knock on Humphries, but a lot of folks believed he was the best tackle in the draft. He was an outstanding value pick at the back end of the first round, and its expected hell start at right tackle from Day 1. Hes just scratching the surface of his potential, and a bit of quality coaching can turn him into a -caliber player.DL , St. Louis RamsDrafted: 7th round (227th overall)Why hes a bargain: The are already loaded on the defensive line, but Ifedi will be a quality backup. Hes a hard-working lineman who was productive in college. He has some physical limitations, but Ifedi has a motor and just seems to make a play when given the chance.You can follow Bryan Fischer on Twitter at .